Cost Control

Focus On The Winners

Let us help you avoid costly mistakes, so you can create sustainable & profitable growth!

Focus On The Winners
Profit icon

Minimize risk & maximize profit

Let real-time data drive your decisions. Quickly cut your losses and scale your winning campaigns. Our automatic cost control measures also ensure that you can scale your marketing almost risk free!

Data powered decisions

Being able to act quickly is the key to avoiding unnecessary losses and to quickly scaling your winning campaigns. Tracklion gives you an easy overview of your campaigns and all your important KPIs, so you can feel confident about making the right call every time.

Data Powered Decisions

Customizable spending limits

While our tracking will show you exactly what you get out of a campaign, our flexible spending limits lets you control exactly how much goes in, when and where. Safely test new campaigns without busting your advertising budget.

Customizable Spending Limits

Multi-Level approval

To err is human… that’s why we have safeguards in place to catch any mistakes before they cost you money. Our multi-level approval ensures that less than perfect campaigns never go live.

Multi-Level Approval

Test drive our powerful customization features today!

Flexible pricing for companies of all sizes

Features and services

Included in all packages

  • Pre-approvals & role-based control

  • Easy onboarding, training and dedicated support

  • Custom accounting set-up & integration for fast bookkeeping

  • Individual limits and policies for each team member

  • Full visibility over all payments in real time

  • Automatic data capture and digital storage

Cost Control FAQ

When choosing a new marketing tool it’s only natural that you have questions. We’re here to help you make the right decisions and to give you some powerful tools to lower your advertising cost today!